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Take Action



SEAS mission is to “Keep Shirley Rural”, and our main focus in staying rural is to ensure that our watershed is protected. SEAS is dedicated to improving watershed protection, safeguarding local water sources and monitoring the effect of proposed developments on water safety, supply and quality.

Please let your elected officials know your support protecting the watershed in Shirley.  Send two letters, one to John Horgan, MLA and one to Mike Hicks, Regional Director, CRD:

Watershed Protection Letter to John Horgan, MLA

Dear Mr. Horgan

Hon John Horgan, MLA
800 Goldstream Ave Victoria, BC V9B 2X7

Dear Mr. Horgan:

Knowing of your interest and dedication to quality drinking water supplies and watershed protection, I am writing today to encourage you to do everything you can to assist SEAS and our local community to protect our water.

I understand that the Province has undertaken a review of the Drinking Water Act and I fully support your efforts to ensure it is strengthened to protect our watershed and our water sources.

Please keep me informed about your progress on this important issue.


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Watershed Protection Letter to Mike Hicks, CRD Director

Dear Mr. Hicks

Mike Hicks, Regional Director
PO Box 283
Sooke, British Columbia V9Z 0S9

Dear Mr. Hicks:

I am writing today to ask that you help SEAS and our local community better protect our drinking water supply and our watershed.

The local JdFEA planning office does not do enough to notify, inform and or educate our community about subdivision or other development plans in time for SEAS or me to make informed decisions about their effect on water supply, water quality or the impact on our watershed.

I am very concerned about the subdivisions or developments approved by the Province or the local planning office that have no review regarding the effect of such projects on my water, the community watershed or local water systems.

Please help SEAS and our community do more to protect our drinking water supply and watershed.

Thank you.


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Or, if you wish, you can write your own letter.  The addresses are:

John Horgan, MLA:   800 Goldstream Ave Victoria, BC  V9B 2X7
Email:   john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca

Mike Hicks, Regional Director, CRD:  PO Box 283, Sooke, BC  V9Z 0S9
Email:  directorjdf@crd.bc.ca


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